Ну все, пришлось пойти на меры , и то не думал что так получится : заспавнил эмбрион тень монолита и вуаля он со мной заговорил о заданиях ! Надеюсь что не черивато последствиями , убивать естественно я его не буду , хотя есть уже задание-которое ой как далеко еще : переход на затон к фенриру за такими горами. Именно через фенрира можно создать Тень монолита.И вот отчитался перед созданным ТМ. и получил код к дверям к самому Тень монолита . Кто знает как это проходится без читерюгства, даже в ютубах,контактах,рутубах, и прочем ни кто даже не слухом. Я что первый кто должен благодарить спавн ? За утырков разрабов?
2025-03-03 12:35:48
а есть решение этой проблемы
пни если узнал
Ребят меня не переносит в подземелья Юпитера, из за того что я забрал письмо картографа раньше времени благодаря багу.
Что делать?
А кто нибудь знает где найти второй игламет. грейженный игломет этот матвей не берет
а в чем проблема?
тебе расположение подсказать?
6-7 где то
ага пришлось самому решить проблему
Не знаешь в чем проблема ? У меня тоже вылетает при езды на грузовике
Вылетает при переходе вместе Жекой в Лощину
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.080][ 5316] ####################[+MIMALLOC+]####################
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] heap stats: peak total freed current unit count
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] reserved: 1.0 GiB 1.0 GiB 0 1.0 GiB
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] committed: 32.0 MiB 32.0 MiB 0 32.0 MiB
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] reset: 0
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] purged: 0
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] touched: 64.2 KiB 64.2 KiB 0 64.2 KiB not all freed
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] segments: 1 1 0 1 not all freed!
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] -abandoned: 0 0 0 0 ok
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] -cached: 0 0 0 0 ok
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] pages: 0 0 0 0 ok
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] -abandoned: 0 0 0 0 ok
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] -extended: 0
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] -noretire: 0
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] mmaps: 0
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] commits: 1
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] resets: 0
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] purges: 0
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] threads: 0 0 0 0 ok
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] searches: 0.0 avg
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] numa nodes: 1
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] elapsed: 0.021 s
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] process: user: 0.000 s, system: 0.031 s, faults: 4746, rss: 15.8 MiB, commit: 39.8 MiB
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] ####################[-MIMALLOC-]####################
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * Detected CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor [AuthenticAMD], F143/M113/S0
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, MONITOR/MWAIT, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4a, AVX, AVX2
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU cores: [6], threads: [12]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU0 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU1 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU2 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU3 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU4 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU5 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU6 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU7 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU8 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU9 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU10 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] * CPU11 current freq: 3600 MHz, max freq: 3600 MHz
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.081][ 5316] Initializing File System...
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.082][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_configs], size: [20847282]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.105][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_levels_1], size: [2023309020]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.114][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_levels_2], size: [1992370531]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.123][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_levels_3], size: [536778412]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.125][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_meshes], size: [1006063948]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.154][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_sounds_1], size: [1992967758]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.548][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_sounds_2], size: [151320415]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.583][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_1], size: [1992383613]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.611][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_10], size: [616468143]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.624][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_2], size: [1994357594]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.643][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_3], size: [1992951901]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.668][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_4], size: [1993060018]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.690][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_5], size: [1993494420]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.713][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_6], size: [1994174328]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.736][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_7], size: [1992412432]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.750][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_8], size: [1992839936]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.773][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_9], size: [1992669142]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.797][ 5316] --Found base arch: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_patch], size: [86925515]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.800][ 5316] using fs-ltx: [fsgame.ltx]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.800][ 5316] --Found FS dir: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\mods\]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.800][ 5316] items: [4]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.800][ 5316] --Found FS dir: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.800][ 5316] items: [7]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.829][ 5316] --Found FS dir: [c:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\savedgames\]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] items: [307]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] --Found external arch: [hud_zp.xdb], size: [17996705]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\misc\
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \textures\biomap\
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\misc\ui_bioradar.ltx
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\mod_settings.ltx
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\sol_options.ltx
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\car_panel.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\car_panel_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\car_panel_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\car_panel_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\maingame.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\maingame_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\maingame_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\maingame_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\messages_window.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\messages_window_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\messages_window_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\messages_window_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\motion_icon.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\motion_icon_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\motion_icon_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\motion_icon_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_hud.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_hud_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_hud_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\ui_custom_msgs.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\ui_custom_msgs_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\ui_custom_msgs_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\ui_custom_msgs_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\zone_map.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\zone_map_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\zone_map_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\zone_map_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \textures\biomap\biomap_texture.dds
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \textures\biomap\biomap_texture_sweep.dds
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \textures\biomap\biomap_texture_sweep_16.dds
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \textures\biomap\biomap_texture_sweep_16_10.dds
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \textures\biomap\biomap_texture_sweep_21_9.dds
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] --Found external arch: [kachka_pricela.xdb], size: [18094]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \anims\camera_effects\actor_move\
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \anims\camera_effects\actor_move\strafe_left.anm
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \anims\camera_effects\actor_move\strafe_right.anm
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\external_engine.ltx
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.831][ 5316] --Found external arch: [org_style_gor_sl.xdb], size: [299425483]
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \scripts\
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \textures\ui\
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\external.ltx
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\fonts.ltx
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\carbody_item.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\carbody_item_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\carbody_item_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\carbody_item_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\carbody_new.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\carbody_new_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\carbody_new_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\carbody_new_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\inventory_item.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\inventory_item_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\inventory_item_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\inventory_item_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\inventory_new.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\inventory_new_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\inventory_new_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\inventory_new_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\talk.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\talk_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\talk_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\talk_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\amk_ui_base.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\amk_ui_base_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\amk_ui_base_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\amk_ui_base_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_common.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_common_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_common_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_common_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_hud_ramka.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_hud_ramka_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_hud_ramka_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_inventory2.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_inventory2_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_inventory2_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_inventory2_2.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_inventory2_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_inventory2_2_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_inventory2_2_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_inventory2_2_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_pda.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_talk.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_talk_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\textures_descr\ui_talk_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade_character.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade_character_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade_character_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade_character_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade_item.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade_item_16.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade_item_16_10.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\trade_item_21_9.xml
[2024-03-16 19:46:06.832][ 5316] -- mod file \configs\ui\ui_art_box1_16.xml
есть один геркулес который я нашел. Это у Лиса после десяти научных аптечек, А остальные геркулесы это как повезет в тайнках
Бро такая же тебе просьба и тебе
Ребят если спавнер на эту часть ? А то некоторые квестовые предметы теряю постоянно
что совсем никакой помощи ?
._. ???
[error]Expression : FATAL ERROR
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 46
[error]Description : [CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed]: invalid key to 'next'
шо делать ребят вылетает на чаэсе когда появляется таймер до выброса
[error]Expression : FATAL ERROR
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\COMMON_AI\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 46
[error]Description : [CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed]: invalid key to 'next'